The Final Terror (1983)

Director: Andrew Davis

Starring: John Friedrich, Adrian Zmed, Rachel Ward, Daryl Hannah

A group of rangers go camping on unfamiliar forest grounds. All’s well until the group members start getting killed by a cunning killer in the woods.

When I read the synopsis – and the fact that I’ve never heard of this movie – I expected a mindless B-movie slasher. I couldn’t have been more wrong, and was surprised by how good a movie this actually was.

A Group of young people go to Mill Creek for a rafting adventure. Unfortunately for them, they never get to enjoy the river before things start going wrong. Yeah, ‘The Final Terror’ has all the elements and characters for a cliched slasher movie. But it actually takes a while before the killing starts (after the opening, off course, which sets the mood), and it’s not entirely a slasher like most of the other slashers from the same era.

The film spent time setting up the characters and allowed us to get to know them. When all hell breaks loose, ‘The Final Terror’ becomes a tale of survival, which I found really good, engaging, and believable. It gave me a sense of ‘Deliverance’ meets ‘The Burning’.

My only criticism is the fact some of the night scenes were so dark that one could hardly make out what was going. As for the film in general, I rather enjoyed it.

Would I watch it again? Well, I won’t go rushing out to buy it on Blu-Ray, but I’m sure I would watch it again sometime in the future.

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